My Allowance Interview | Put Me in the Picture | Oct. 2007

Introduce Yourselves-

Hi this is Fivel,Sam and Lindsey

How did you girls start My Allowance? were auditions held?

My dad (Fivel) started it, no auditions were held, he picked us.

When did you know you wanted to pursue the music industry?

I have always wanted to sing and we all have danced for ever and with boo doing it I got interested (Fivel)

Who are your biggest influences?

Not sure, maybe T-Squad?

You’ve gotten the chance to be involved in a lot, what has been your favorite opportunity?

The show in valencia because it was our 1st real show and there were so many fans!!

We recently saw you at the Make-A-Wish Charity event in Michigan, what was your favorite part about the event?

Being involved in something really good and important

Are you girls working on a CD?


Do you have anything in the works for the remainder of the year or 2008?

We think so!

Message for your fans?

Practice, practice, practice!!

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