Skyler Interview | Put Me in the Picture | May 2011

Introduce yourself:

I’m Skyler.

-Your EP “Take You Away” was released in April, for those who may not have it yet, where is it available for purchase?

iTunes, Napster, Amazon,, etc.

-Can you tell us a bit about recording the album (how long did it take, where did you record, etc)?

We recorded this record in Windham, ME with Jonathan Wyman in 5 days. It was fun and quick! You can see videos of the recording process at

-Any fun stories from recording?

Unfortunately, our recording sessions were bogged down with illnesses. Fortunately, we had a camera running, so we have plenty of footage of a sleeping John with the producers dogs cuddled up with him on the couch. We tried to only wake him up when it was time to record his fiddle parts….

-Do you have a fav. song on the album? And why did you choose that song?

My current favorite song on the album is “Hold On (Pray).” I love how tender it is at first and how rocking it gets toward the end.

-Fav. song to perform live?

My favorite song to perform live is “It Kills Me.” It allows me to put my guitar down and really connect with the audience.

-Do you have any upcoming shows to support the new album?

We have plenty of shows! You can check out when we’re coming to your area at

-Is there someone that you have not worked with yet, that you would like to? (for example a producer, writer, artist)

Taylor Swift would be a blast to collaborate with.

-Any last words/message to fans:

Thank you for all of your support. Not of this would be possible without you!

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