Saidah Baba Talibah Interview | Put Me in the Picture | Dec. 2011

-Introduce Yourself: 

My name is Saidah Baba Talibah — Saidah means happy and fortunate, Baba means born on Thursday, and Talibah means seeker after knowledge.

-Who are some of your influences? 

My biggest influences are my mother, Salome Bey and father, Howard Matthews.  They provided me with a playground of music to choose from — rock, funk, jazz, blues, folk, pop, soul, etc;  Wall to wall records and great support, not to mention, my mother’s a pretty bad ass singer her damn self.

-How did you get your start in music?

Well, as I said, my mother’s a pretty bad ass singer, so I had the pleasure of getting my start from the womb or as my mother would say ‘as soon as she could talk, she was singing.’

-How would you describe your sound to someone who has never heard your music before?

I’d say it was raunchy soul.  I think raunch gives the essence of dirt, grit, edge, raw, so raunchy soul it is.

-Do you have any music available for purchase & if so, where can everyone go to buy it?

Of course! You can buy it on iTunes, Amazon or anywhere else digitally or from my website at: — you can even get posters and t-shirts too.

-Your video for “So Cool” was recently released on AOL Spinner. Can you tell us a bit about the video and what it was like to film?

Yes, yes it was. Ooooh, well what do you want to know that isn’t already there?  It’s a pretty sensual video.  The song is about being in a relationship where things aren’t so cool and one has to use other means to get intimate — be it alcohol or in my case it was smoking a joint.  I was in a bad place.

It was really great shooting it.  Everyone on set was great — director, crew, my band, friends and family that came out to rock out with us.  And rolling around on a bed with a hot guy, I couldn’t ask for more.

-Fav. song to perform?

Shit.  Seriously? Uh, I’d say, No More.

-What is the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you while performing?

One time I was singing with someone and forgot my words and instead of singing nonsense I didn’t say anything until I remembered…it was really embarrassing.

-Who is someone you would like to work with or play a show with in the future?

I have to give you a few, because I have simultaneous wishes going on.  So I’d love to work with and play a show with:  Lewis Taylor, Jamie Lidell, Feist, Corey Glover (Living Color), Bjork, Jack White, N*E*R*D, to name a few.

-Fav. band/artist of all time:

I seriously have a hard time just choosing one, but if I must, then, one of my favourites is:  Fishbone (the original band) and one of my favourite artists is Minnie Riperton.

-What is something people may be surprised to find out about you?

I think people might be surprised to find out that I can sometimes be very shy.

-What is 1 thing you’d really like to see or do in your lifetime?

I’d love to travel the world (that’s a do and see) — especially India, Africa and South America, but travelling the entire world will do for me just fine.

-Fav. movie?

I’m pluralizing this question.  Listen, you can’t ask a Libra to choose just one!  So:  Xanadu, Tank Girl, Hitch, Love Actually.

-What was your fav. cartoon or tv show while growing up?

I loved Sesame Street, Greatest American Hero, Cosby Show, A Different World, Growing Pains, Family Ties, FAME!!!.  Cartoons?  Funny, I fell in love with collecting Black Panther comic books, but never really loved cartoons.  I mean, I watched them, but I can tell you that I really hated the Roadrunner, I thought it was so unfair that the coyote always got the shit end of the stick.

-If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would buy?

I’d buy a bigger home and get some help, so that my parents could live with me, because unfortunately, I can’t care for the both of them, as my mother has dementia and my father has aphasia.

-Best advice you’ve ever been given:

Do you.

-Any last words/message to your fans?

peace, love & butterflies.

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