Onicks Interview | Put Me in the Picture | April 2011

-Introduce Yourself:

Hello, I am ONICKS and i represent the Metal plated, dominant, dark side of pop music. Im here to re-arrange your mind =)

-How did you get your start in singing:

When i was a child, my parents always made sure that i was involved in school bands and choirs. I DESPISED bands (only because they had me playing the trumpet). Eventually, i began singing indecent of the choirs because i always wanted to put my own spin and “craziness” into the usual classical pieces. So i broke out and began my career on GARAGEBAND!

-Who are some of your influences?

I have two major influences. #1 is my mother. She has really experienced life! She knew that she would be a success with a hefty paycheck and a child! She started at the bottom and now sits at the top, nice and retired at a young age. #2 is Michael Jackson. I remember being laughed at in school for being the only kid who rocked his gear, played his music, and danced his dances. If it weren’t for him, could you imagine what our music would sound like? YIKES!

Are you currently working on an album, and if so when can we expect to see it available to purchase?

Yes! I am piecing together my album in an interesting way. I am a perfectionist and i want my first album to hit my fans like a NUKE, so i am writing each and every song and they will all be large and in charge! We will be releasing my next single “Manimal” in May! It is a powerful song about lust and the chase! As for the album, it’s a surprise

-Fav. song to perform?

“Double Dose” is by far my favorite song to perform to the crowd! It’s about punishing the one you’re with/your ex for treating you like DIRT! I get on that stage with my beautiful dancers and i like to stare directly into the eyes of the audience and sing to them so they can FEEL the power and emotion in the song “Why don’t you strangle me some more!” “You think you’re worth my time?! I don’t wanna be your PUPPET!” Such a hard beat! Plus i get to throw on my jacket with syringe shoulder pads HAHA!

-What is the most embarrassing thing thats happened to you while performing?

When we released my Debut Music Video for my single “Double Dose”, i performed twice and during the first performance, one of my dancers went down in a full split and i get a bit “Psycho” on stage and i was stomping around and my shoe came down on his leg and thank god my dancers (Barbies Addiction) are crazy as well because he flew up like nothing had happened and i wanted to carry him of stage. But the show must go on!

-Fav. band/artist of all time:

Michael Jackson

-What is something people may be surprised to find out about you?

I am EXTREMELY “hands-on” when it comes to my art. I write every single lyric in all of my songs and they all apply to my life. I wrote the treatment for my music video and everything you see on screen was created by me. I also work closely with my dancers to make sure that we incorporate the freshest and most stunning dances to perform! I live for this!

-What is one thing you’d really like to see or do in your lifetime?

I have always wanted to be involved with the government, weather it be here in America or elsewhere. I would love to have an influence large enough to change policies in order to benefit mankind.

-First concert you ever attended?

Destiny’s child when i was very young. I went with my mother and i got to meet the girls because my mom won a McDonalds sweepstakes! The girls and i all ate Big Macs on a red leather couch as i giggled because they were all so pretty! They ate me up and pinched my cheeks!

-What was your fav. cartoon or tv show while growing up?

I was OBSESSED with power rangers!

-Any last words/message to your fans? (Let everyone know your links..myspace.twitter/etc.)

I love each and every one of you for the massive amount of support i receive everyday! Please watch my Debut Music Video – “Double dose” on youtube! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk3uvLL_P2Q). And for everything ONICKS, please visit Www.onicks.com, www.youtube.com/theonicksmusic, and www.twitter.com/onicksmusic. Thank you so much doll faces! <3 ONICKS

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