Josh Quinn Interview | Put Me in the Picture | March 2007

Introduce yourself and give the readers a brief look into your career thus far.

Well…my name is Josh Quinn…I’m a singer/songwriter…from a small town called Warsaw…no no…not the one in Poland…I reside in North Carolina…I play guitar and piano…and some other instruments…I personally like to write catchy songs…that get stuck in your head for days…I love all genres and styles of music…you could consider me a musical connoisseur…ooo…[big word alert]…and I use more ellipses than any known human…here’s some more……………..and I’m a chatterbox…

Are you currently working on putting out a CD or is there a website people can purchase one from?

I am currently working on a lil’ disc…keeping everything raw…simple…just using these demos to promote myself for the time being…

You recently wrote some new material, what is your favorite?

I’m always writing new material…haha…I just don’t get to record as much as I’d like to…haha…umm…favorites….well…I’m digging “You Don’t Get Me”…you dig…?!?….and “Revelation”…I get this feeling…when I play live…I can’t put it into words…But that’s how I know If a song works or not…

We’ve heard rumors of a possible tour, do you have any information on that?

A tour…that would be killer…ok…so I’m gonna give away some exclusive info…just for you…ready…?!?…ok…so I’ve recently signed with some fancy manager people…but that’s all I’m saying…gotta feed ya’ll small portions…haha…so…a tour could very well be a possibility…until then…just keep checking the site for random gigs…

How does it feel having people like Jeff Juliano say such amazing things about you and your talent?

It feels amazing…I’m just so thankful…for everything…and just to get that extra “reassurance”…from people like Jeff…or others in the business….I don’t know…It’s just another side item that keeps me going…PositiveVibes…

Is there someone you’d like to perform with?

Well…yes…there is…I would love to perform with Stevie Wonder…That would probably be a dream come true…but really…I’m just ready to get out there and get scrappy….I want to share the stage and play as much as possible…that’s how you get better…musicianship people…

Is there anything you would ever give music up for?

TrueHappiness…however…right now…at this point in my life…music seems to be linked to that idea…So I’m doing what I want to do…I’d love to find Love one day…and yes…I capitalized the “L”…It means that much…I’m such a sap…

As of now, do you feel like you’ve accomplished everything you’ve wanted to accomplish or do you still have goals you’d like to achieve?

I feel…that I don’t really sit back and think about everything I’ve actually accomplished…I’m trying to stay focused on moving forward…as a musician…as a songwriter…I defiantly think I’ve gotten better at singing…haha…so yea…just trying to stay on my toes…and…when I get my shot…release some great music…and play the world…

Message for your fans.

Thank you fans…for putting up with me for this long…haha…and thanks for all the support…and the love…It means the world to me…

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