Jeremy Hopkins Interview | Put Me in the Picture | Dec. 2007

When did you decide that music was the career you wanted to pursue?

I was about 16 or 17 when I began to start writing songs on the guitar. It was around that time (11th and 12th grade), that I really started developing a passion for pursuing music.

What was it like making your first cd?

Well, the first time I recorded a CD was with a band in college, called Water’s Edge. It was a really cool experience. Looking back it’s funny to see how clueless I was, but like anything, the more you do it, the better you get at it. I feel very comfortable when I go into the studio now.

Have you performed with anyone that has really stuck out?

I’ve opened for Teddy Geiger and Tyler Hilton. They’re the most well-known artists I’ve played with and they were definitely some of the best shows yet.

What would you like to accomplish in your career?

I’d like to get to the place where I’m able to solely support myself with music. I’d love to have the freedom to record and tour whenever I want. Why…because music makes me happy.

Has 2007 been a good year with your career?

2007 has had its ups and downs, but overall, I think I’ve grown as an artist. I’ve played more shows in ’07 than in past years and a ton of cool opportunities have presented themselves. I’m looking forward to 2008…

Some bands/artists seem to have this theory that they could do this without fans-do you appreciate your fans or do you feel that without them it would be hard to get somewhere?

Well, if there are bands and artists out there who think they can do it on their own without the help of fans, they’re crazy, because fans are what make touring and CD sales possible. I’d be lost if it weren’t for people coming to my shows and supporting me by buying CDs. Fans seriously give me a reason to keep going…

Do you want to hit that TRL fame that everyone pushes for or would you like to stay clear of that?

If I were asked to be on TRL, I would certainly go for it, because ultimately, I want as many people to hear my music as possible and being on MTV would do nothing but make that more of a reality.

Just for Fun section…

Favorite Candy?

Mike and Ike

Favorite place to perform?

Webster Theatre in Hartford, CT

Favorite artist/band?

John Rzeznick of the Goo Goo Dolls

Favorite movie?

The Shawshank Redemption

Favorite restaurant?

High Street Café in West Chester, PA

Favorite car?

Mercedes G55 AMG

What do you like to do on the weekends if you aren’t performing?

I hang out with family and friends on the weekends.

Do you think myspace is one of the best things for musicians?

It is definitely one of the best tools for the working musician. I’ve made a lot of progress with my career through the use of MySpace and it’s opened up many doors in terms of networking.

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