Chris Koon Interview | Put Me in the Picture | May 2007

**Can you introduce yourself?

My Name is Chris Koon, I’m actually an actor and a dancer as well. I do a little bit of modeling, but nothing too serious there. Yeah soon to be the next American Idol, nah I’m just kidding there! But yeah mainly acting and dance.

**What was it like going on tour with The Jonas Brothers?

The Jonas Brothers! Ya know what, going on tour with those guys was probably one of the most life changing experiences I’ve ever had. I grew up as the only kid and the only grand kid, I had no brothers or sisters or anything. So living on a bus for 2 months with 7-8 other guys, was def a learning experience and an adjustment kind of thing and I had the time of my life. Ya know being an actor you don’t really tour a lot, you do some promotion, but because of those guys I got to see some places that I otherwise never would have seen , traveled across the country and made so many awesome new friends because of them. They literally have become my brothers they’re some of the best friends a guy could ask for. It was an awesome experience overall and I don’t know hopefully I’ll jump back on the road with them sometime soonâ!You never know. I don’t know what else to say we had a blast so yeah, it was awesome.

**What was it like being on One Tree Hill?

Oh One Tree Hill was absolutely amazing! Just getting to be on a show that I had been a fan of to me was mind blowing. Ya know I’d sit at home and watch the show before as a fan and actually being on the set and share the screen with those actors, meet the crew and the cast and everybody, it was definitly a cool experience! I loved it! I would do it again in a heartbeat.

**Favorite City you have visited?

Obviously I love NYC, there is just so much to do, there is so much going on! The lights, the shows, the people, the atmosphere. If you’ve never been it’s kind of hard to explain, if you haven’t been you need to go, it’s incredible and you’ll love it! And I guess lately I’ve spent a lot of time in North Carolina. I always joke with my friends that my 2nd home is the Charlotte airport, I feel like I’ve spent a ton of time there lately. I actually did my Christmas shopping there, I don’t know. Christmas went well, nobody was too upset with their gifts so apparently I did ok. Yeah I love Wilmington, that is where we were filming One Tree Hill and it’s just so relaxing. NY is kind of like if you’re in the mood to do 50 million things and Wilmington is more peaceful and relaxing, like a get away spot. Those have been my 2 favorite places so far.

**What was it like being in Ryan Cabreras video for 40 Kinds of Sadness? Would you do more?

Oh Id love to do more videos. The thing with Ryan’s is it was really easy to film, he was just up onstage playing guitar and we were in the audience rocking out so it went fast, didn’t have too many takes. Ya know it was awesome we were singing along and having a good time. It was one of the coolest videos I’ve done. So hopefully I”ll get to do some more videos down the road, so hopefully that comes my way.

**Where do you see yourself in 50 years?

I want to change the world! I want to really redefine how people look at not only entertainment but look at themselves. There is so much negativity in this business and in society in general. I know I sound like I’m 90 years old right now saying this, but ya know, for me being on stage is the only way I’ve know how to effect people through my performance. So if I can do something that’s going to influence society or people or people that are supporting me or whoever in a positive way. I think that’s the greatest goal I could ever accomplish in my career.

**What made you chose the career path you did?

I grew up on stage so I always knew this is what I wanted to do. I’m not really good at anything else (laughs). I didn’t have much of a choice. Just kidding, kinda. I knew entertainment was something I wanted to do at as a young kid growing up doing church musicals, falling in love with the stage at an early age. Pursing more acting, then came signing with the musicals, then came dance. I just loved every aspect of it and knew this is what I had to do for the rest of my life.

**Are you looking forward to the Concert for a Cure event this summer?

Well yeah I’m really excited for it. MN is awesome, I got to spend a couple days there this past summer and go to the mall of America. So

I’m excited to just do the touristy thing, since I’m obviously not from that part of the country. So that will be cool, but the show itself is going to be awesome. There is a great line up and obviously Williams Arena is Huge so just the fact that we’re going to be onstage in front of like 10,000 people is pretty crazy. Ya know that’s exciting for all of us as performers and not only that it benefits such a great cause. I know a lot of people including myself that have been personally affected by cancer whether it has been friends or family. It’s a great cause it’s going to be an awesome event and I’m really excited to be apart of it!

**Do you get excited about fans that come up and approach you or is it slightly awkward?

No for me I mean I’m still getting used to it. I think it’ll always be exciting! The day that it stops being exciting is the day you should stop what you’re doing and find something else to do! when you stop appreciating the people supporting you and making your dreams come true you should def find something else to do. That’s just me. And for me it’s always exciting! I love hearing stories from people. It’s cool, love it!

**Who would you like to work with?

Well you know I’m really inspired by a lot of rappers, people like Mims, he really speaks to me. I just get that guy, everything he says just makes sense. Living life on the street and what not. No, I’m just kidding! Mims is cool, just cuz it’s a joke with me and a lot of my friends, he’s a cool guy. But in all seriousness I’d love to work with the cast of Boy Meets World cause they’re amazing! I grew up on that show and I love it! So ya know those are a lot of my influences.

**Favorite artists?

-You know I like the big powerful female voices people like Kelly Clarkson, who just has a voice that is huge, bigger than life, and then Shania twain is also one of my favorites, just because you can stick in her album and it’s good from the beginning to the end and there aren’t very many albums that you can pop in your CD players and listen to all the way through, so yeah, they’re both really cool.

**Favorite Designer?

-*Screams* Calvin Klien, no, but we have the same initials so I’m going to go with him.

**What are you looking forward to in 2007?

-I’m really excited for Concert for a Cure this summer in Minnesota and just being on the road and meeting everybody and seeing the familiar faces of people I’ve met before. I love traveling and being on the road. And I’m excited to see what this year hold for me, 2006 was a great year and I’m only going to believe that 2007 is gonna be 10 times better, hopefully more than 10 times, hopefully like a million times better. But 2006 was great, amazing! But I don’t know how I’m going to top that but hopefully I can and hopefully things keep going up for me. Lots to look forward to.

**Favorite place to shop?

-my favorite place to shop in the world is actually this mall in Indiana called metropolis. It literally is the coolest mall I’ve ever been to. Its like an outdoor mall, has this amazing fountain that lights up and all these neon lights. It’s incredible, so if you’re ever in Indiana, go to metropolis, it’s awesome. And then the Palasades mall in NJ or NY one of the two, it’s really cool too! I was just there a couple weeks ago and I didn’t even get to see all the mall it was so big, it was huge! They’re both awesome.

**Sidekick addiction.

Ok, so I always said I would never become a sidekicker cause all my friends would be at dinner and they’d have their sidekicks out and they’d be talking and I’d be like, that is so annoying. And then I got one. And I’m not going to lie, I’m not as bad as most of my friends are with it, I’m def on it more than I probably should be but once you have it you can IM your friends, send emails, listen to music, get online. So yeah it does everything pretty much, so I’m on it quite a bit.

**Message/Thank you to the fans

Um I guess I don’t really know what else to say besides Thank you! You guys have seriously been incredible to me and it’s because of you all that I’m getting to pursue my dreams and those dreams are slowly but surely coming true. So things are only going to get bigger and better, so I hope you guys are ready to jump on this crazy ride with me cause it’s going be incredible! Thank you to my friends at Put Me In The Picture Promotions for being so amazing to me, you guys are the best, thank you so much. Like I said thank you to the fans which is crazy, I cant believe…fans thats so cool! You guys are awesome, and thanks again to everybody for being so incredible to me!

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