Carly Patterson Interview | Put Me in the Picture | Jan. 2007

Can you introduce yourself?

my name is carly patterson.

What made you want to pursue gymnastics at such an early age?

i actually started gym late compared to a lot of people. i was 6 1/2. i went to my cousins birthday party, which was at a gym and i fell in love with it that day and from then on. so my mom ended up putting me in gym a couple months later!
What was it like to not only be participating in the Olympics, but to win a gold medal?

it was definitely a sigh of relief when i heard my name called to the olympic team. i thought it was amazing just to be there and competing in the ultimate competiton. then to win a gold and 2 silver was my complete dream fullfilled. it was a great feeling to know that all those years and years of hard work had finally pain off!
What was life like after the Olympics were over? You were doing a lot of interviews and appearances, was it difficult to handle?

life after the olympics was definitely a whirlwind. i kind of wish i could go back and realize some of it, cause it all happend and went by so fast. it was so fun but it was also a difficult thing to always be on the go traveling and doing things for every. its very tiring, but i loved every minute of it.

Are you still focusing on gymnastics? Or have you put that aside to focus on music?

i am done doing gymnastics, but i always wanna be involved in it cause i love it. but right now im focusing on music and college.

What was it like being on Celebrity Duets and working with artists like Jesse McCartney?

celebrity duets was such a fun and great learning expierence. it really showed me how much i love singing and being on stage. and all the singers i got to sing with were amazing, nice, great people. they all gave me advice and i learned a lot from them.

You’re currently working on your first debut album, what can we expect from that? and when is a tentative release date?

the thing about this cd that im doing is it will be a 5 song cd. im independent and theres no need for me to make a full length cd when im not signed yet. so i thought it would be cool to have 5 songs that i helped write all of them so all of my fans can finally hear my stuff. ya know, i wanna give everyone a taste and see how they like it! actually in the next couple weeks i should be done with recording and getting to vocal part done. then theres still other work that has to be done. but hopefully sometime in march or april have it out!
Do you plan to do a promotional tour this spring/summer to promote the album?

the way ill be promoting it will be off my websites; and and on my music myspace. also im still traveling to different meets and i have lots of summer camps i do so through all of that im hoping to get it out there a lot.

You recently started college, how is that going?

i am also on my second week of college. i was very nervous the first couple days i even got lost and was late to my first class on my first day. haha. but im getting the hang of it now and its not too bad

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