*Introduce yourselves
Doug: Hi im Doug and i sing and play guitar
Chris: Im Chris and i play guitar
Fry: Hey im Brian.. aka Fry, and i play bass
Steve: Hey what’s up im Steve and i play drums
*Brian, we’d like for you to specifically tell us about yourself, and
how you joined up with Airdate to play Bass.
Brian: First off.. they call me Fry haha, and i was a wild Airdate fan and friend of the band for a long time, now im a beast of a bass player.. haha jk
*How did Airdate get their start?
Doug: Me and Steve met back in high school, and always jammed together. We knew Chris for a while, and the rest fell into place. Just mutual friends jamming out and having fun.
*You are currently an unsigned band, are you guys looking into labels or
just keeping things small and to yourselves for now?
Steve: Yes we are, we’re just looking for the best label that suits us right now.
*What are your goals for 2008?
Chris: Play as many shows as possible, and reach out to as many people as we can. Hopefully we can get signed soon, so we can go out and rock out for everyone all over the world.
*We see you’re working on setting up a tour, do you intend to leave the
east coast anytime soon or are you going to keep it all local for now?
Doug: We are looking to leave the east coast ASAP, but right now we all work 9-5 jobs and just arent able to take time off from work to do that :(. hopefully soon!!
*Tell us something you wouldn’t normally tell someone about each of you
(this doesn’t have to be your deepest darkest secret, just something fun
for fans to learn that you’re willing to share)
Doug: I’m a huge hockey fanatic, and a sucker for sweet 80’s pop jams haha.
Chris: Let me think about it..
Fry: I could eat taco bell everyday.. love it
Steve: I love blue and country music.. Slim Harpo is the mad notes.
*What CD is currently in your CD players?
Doug: The new Starting Line cd Direction hasn’t left my player for a week now.. we love those guys, and it’s such a solid record. go buy it!
Fry: Saves The Day : In Reverie is in mine.
Chris: Brad Paisley mix… sweet jams.
Steve: Million Dollar Quarter.. Elvis, Carl Perkins, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Cash. Sick..
*Who are your influences musically?
Doug:The Cars, and Journey. I grew up with my parents blasting it nonstop, so i guess i had to like it haha
Chris: Saves The Day
Fry: Saves The Day
Steve: Tom Petty
*Are you working on a full length album or are you sticking with the ep
released last year?
Doug: We’re currently writing for our full length which we hope to have out by sometime this year.
*How was working on your EP with John Naclerio?
Steve: It was great. He’s a funny guy and very easy to work with, he got the best out of us!
*What would your dream tour be?
Doug: All over the world, in huge arenas and ampitheatres… haha rock n roll baby.
*Is there anything else you’d like to share with the readers?
AIRDATE: Thank you guys for checkin this out, and don’t forget to log onto www.myspace.com/airdate to check US out. Hit us up with comments, leave some love, and tell all your friends, lata!!!
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