Nuttin’ But Stringz Interview | Put Me in the Picture | Jan. 2007

Can you introduce yourselves?

whats going on everybody , its your boys nuttin but stringz ! one of the hottest bands out right now .

At what age did the both of you begin playing violin? When did you know that this is what you wanted to pursue?

we both started when were 8 years old , it was a required program in elementary school .

( tourie ) – when i first started learning how to play the instrument i loved it but didnt have the patience for it , so i put it down .

( damien ) – when it was my turn to take the instrument i knew it was for me , since the first day tourie brought the instrument home i fell in love with it , i was never allowed to touch it beacuse i was only six years old and liable to break it , but ever since that day it came home i knew it was for me .

( tourie ) – and after i saw my brother do amazing things with the instrument it was a wrap !

You both studied at Juliard School of Music and Bloomingdale School of Music…what was that like?

an incredible experience , we learned alot from both music schools .

You guys have been on Ellen and Jay Leno just to name a few, how did it feel be on such well known shows? Were you guys nervous?

( damien ) – when we did leno i wasnt nervous at all , okay maybe a lil bit (lol), but the feeling of being on these shows were amazing , at that point we knew we will get the exposure we need to move foward in our career .

( tourie ) – when i did leno i wasnt nervous at all , even though his questions were coming a million miles per hour (lol) i still maintained my composure .

How did you guys get the opportunity to be in the movie Step Up?

the director from step up called my people and we met there people and we all became people (lol) .

What was it like being apart of the Jingle Jam tour with TSquad and The Jonas Brothers?

the jingle jam tour was incredible , we love t-squad and jonas , we’ve been on many tours , but this one was one of the best tours .

We’ve heard rumors of a tour…is there one in the works?( lol) everyone has been asking us and we’ve told them no . but ill let you guys in on a secret , we are going to have a tour promoting our album which is in stores now . its going to be called the ” revival ” tour , so look out for that later on this year .

Do you have any advice for aspiring musicians that are coming from a lifestyle where it seems impossible?

nothing is ” impossible ” if you cancel that word out completely everything will be possible .

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