Jared Blair Interview | Put Me in the Picture | June 2007

**Can you introduce yourself and give a brief overview of what you do?

What is up oh great world! Lol I am Jared Blair. Cool, down to earth, and oh so random! I am from Madera Ranchos, California and I am currently writing and recording some new songs that will drop this summer! Woot

**When did you decide that the music industry was what you had to be in?

My first grade teacher Mrs. McKercher first taught me how to love music. I would stay in from recess when all the kids went out to play and we would sit at the piano and sing random kids songs. I loved it! As I grew older music became more then just noise, it became a big part of who I am. Growing up I was always the geeky choir kid who was in all the school plays. But I knew ever since I was seven that I wanted to be a singer. And I knew I wanted to be an actor. When I’m on stage things just feel right, I can be who I am.

**Who have been your biggest influences in your career?

I would say the the influences in my career have definitely been Life, love and God. As I’ve gone through life I’ve experienced things that have shaped who I am. I’ve been in happy, I’ve been sad, I’ve been up, I’ve been down, I’ve fallen in love, I’ve had my heart broken. It my past and I use it to inspire myself toward the future. God has had my back through everything, and if I need anything he’s there. I appreciate all he’s allowed me to experience.

**What has been your most exciting moment in your career?

Honestly, I just started my career so each day it’s a new experience, and everything is exciting! Getting to go into a recording studio and make music. Getting to meet amazing people. Getting to rock out on stage in front of people who support me like they do. It’s all exciting and humbling.

**Who would you like to work with, whether it’s co-writing, or a producer…anyone!
I would LOVE to work with Kara Diogardi, she’s produced for so many amazing artists, and it would be amazing to get to work with her. I would also love to collaborate with a lot of todays different artists just to experiment with sounds!

**What would you like to accomplish in the rest of 2007?

I am determined to release my first ever tracks! I’m working right now on some different sounding songs to give people a feel of who I am musically. I would also love to play as many live performances as I can. I miss the stage.

**What is it like being recognized or getting the fan reactions you got in Valencia?

It was definitely another new experience. It’s different having people recognize who you and want to take pictures with you. They were all so nice! I am blessed! Hey everyone I met in Valencia!

**Favorite artists?

Oh man I have so many I’ll just show you the big plays on my ipod right now!

Chris Brown
Imogen Heap
Avril Lavigne
Ben Lee
Stellar Kart
Cheyenne Kimball
Youth Group

**Favorite thing to do on the weekends?

Chillax! I like to hang out with my friends and go on walks around the neighborhood, or see a movie at the Theater. Haha or go to starbucks and order water.

**Favorite place to shop?

Haha I love the stores that everyone else loves. I used to not spend more then like 10 dollars on t-shirts, but I’ve gone up to 20. I like Urban Outfitters, Vans (I like shoes), and Target!

**If you won the lotto today what would you do with the money?

Honestly I would use enough to be comfortable and I would have to use the rest to help people. I mean their are so many people that could use it better then I could.

**Message for your fans

Hey guys! I know you hear this a lot, but I still don’t think your told it enough! THANK YOU! The fans are the people that put me here and make it possible for me to live my dreams. Thank you for listening, thank you for believing,thank you for supporting! Hopefully with all your support we can go international! lol I will try my hardest to make you proud.

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