Push Play Interview | Put Me in the Picture | Nov. 2007

*Introduce yourselves and your part in the band

CJ Baran: Lead singer, rhythm guitar, keyboard

Steve Scarola: Lead guitar, keyboard, vocal harmonies

Nick Deturris: bass guitar

Derek Ries: Drums

*How long have you been together as a band/What made you want to start Push Play?

We have been together for 14 months. We’ve been performing on stage since February 2007.

We had an old band called Kaution and Nick and I(CJ) were in it. We met Derek and Steve at Cloud 9 Studios and hit it off!

*Who are some artists you guys look up to?

Fall Out Boy, Panic at the Disco, Gym Class Heroes, Jonas Brothers, Muse.

*Favorite song to perform live?

CJ: “There She Goes Again” and “Stop Starin’”

Steve: “Plastique”

Derek: “The Life”

Nick: “Stop Starin’”

*Do you have any embarrassing stage moments?

STEVE: I fall all the time but one time I fell and tried to get up and fell again!

CJ: My microphone stand kept twirling and I couldn’t catch it.

*Who would you like to tour/play a show with?

We’d like to tour with the Jonas Brothers because they are more our genre but it would be absolutely AWESOME if we could tour with Fall Out Boy!

*How was your press conference Oct. 27th in NYC?

The press conference was unbelieveable. We packed the house and everyone was just so cool! We have a terrific time and really got to know alot of our fans and the press.

*Are you guys looking forward to your CD Release event at Irving Plaza Dec. 22nd? Do you have anything exciting planned that you may be able to share or is everything being kept under wraps?

The CD Release Concert and PArty will be the culmination of a year’s hard work! We plan to pull out all the stops for this show!  And of course we have surprises!!!

*How are the contests going that you’re holding to win tickets for the CD Release?

The contests are going VERY WELL!

*Do you have any specific goals/tour plans for 2008?

Goals for 2008! We want to hitch onto someone else’s tour because we are not known in some states. We are also planning to release another album in 08 and we plan to make a name for ourselves worldwide!

*Message to your fans

We love you all so much and appreciate all your support!!! Without you we would be nowhere!

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