Everyday Sunday Interview | Put Me in the Picture |April 2007

Can you introduce yourselves?

Hi I’m Jesse I play Guitar
I’m Kevin I play Drums
I’m Trey I Sing
I’m Aaron play Guitar
I’m Brandon play Bass
Trey-And we’re Everyday Sunday

How do you guys feel about the recent success of Wake Up Wake Up and being number 1 for so long?

Trey-Yeah We’re excited
Brandon-Yeah we’re grateful
Trey-yeah we’re grateful! Good Work
Brandon-Thank you
PMITP-It’s a great song!
Group-Thank you so much!
Trey-Thank you so much!
PMITP-We’re really excited for the album!
Trey-We’re excited for everyone to hear it!

Along with that The Album comes out May 22nd how is it different from your previous albums?
Brandon-Rock and Roll
Trey-Yeah haha. It’s by far the best thing we’ve ever done before, I think we really just found a focus on who we are and who we want to be with his album. And in a lot of ways it’s a very new band, so we’re excited!

I know a lot of bands put together CD Release shows, do you guys plan on doing anything like that?

Trey-Yeah, basically what we’ve been doing just because it’s been so long between albums, we’ve been doing a prerelease tour. We have a 3 song EP when you come out and preorder our record you get new music right away, so we’re just trying to get new music in peoples hands and when we get off that we’ll be out on tour with Super chick through May so that’s what we’ll be doing in preparation for the release of the album. A lot of prerelease parties, release parties and things like that, we’re kind of doing them all over the place.

About the Generation Rising tour, are you guys looking forward to that?
: Oh Yeah!!!
Trey-We love getting to tour!
Aaron-We love getting to watch Krystal Meyers!
Brandon-I love Superchick!
Trey-So ya know getting out in front of people and big crowds every nights always exciting!

Now we’re here at GMA week in Nashville, TN have you done anything super exciting or that stands out?

Kevin-Liners and Interviews!
Trey-We got to see Hill song United last night that was unreal. It was a worship night!
Jesse-Met Tim from Switch foot in the elevator. That was always nice!
Brandon-It is always cool walking by people you look up to ya know?
PMITP-Yeah, that is cool!

What has been the most memorable moment in your career as of this date?

Kevin-this, here now!
Aaron-This Very second!!
Trey-This interview is actually on the top of it. {Group Laughs} I think for all of us as a whole band we’ve even been talking these last few weeks its just been going amazing for us  ya know and everything with the new single. We’ve got to play couple really big conventions and stuff like that. Just seeing the reaction of people with the new music and the response we’re getting from the new album it’s just overwhelming!

Who are your guy’s inspirations?

Brandon-Musically for me, I guess a lot of main stream stuff like All American Rejects, Blink 182
Jesse-Big Fan, Big Fan!
Aaron-Rascal Flats
Trey-We all loved MxPx growing up, Reliant K,
Trey-Spiritually, I know all our or dads and a lot of our family, our manager Kujo is a huge spiritual minister. He was my youth pastor growing up, he’s definitely someone I look up to more than anything

Do you think it’s harder being in a Christian market having to express yourself in such an amazing way or would you rather be mainstream?

Jesse-No This is Perfect!
Brandon-No doubt we’d like to get out in the mainstream world
Trey-Yeah, to a degree it’s going to be harder as far as, I mean Christian music industry is only 10% of the whole market so it’s going to take that much more work to be that successful. But at the same time we just want to get out in front of anybody we can and as Christians we just want to glorify God and we’re very thankful to be apart of the Christian music industry and what they’re doing because we believe it and we believe in reaching people through Jesus Christ. And I think that’s why there is a music industry of Christians who have that goal but at the same time we want to get in front of as many people as we can just like everybody.

If you guys could work with anybody or go on tour with anybody who would that be?

Trey-Reliant K
Brandon-Hawk Nelson
PMITP-They’re Awesome!
Trey-Newsboys. Anyone that brings thousands and thousands of people!

Out of your 3 CDs which one is your favorite?

Trey-The new one by far!
Jesse-Obviously Stand Up!
Trey-Get out of the picture! Put me in the picture!  I think unanimously the new album is by far the best thing we’ve ever done!
Kevin-You will agree!
Trey-We’re just really excited! It’s by far the best songs we’ve ever written.
Jesse-I’m all for Stand up still! Hands down!
Trey-It’s a new band, it’s where we are at now!
Jesse-I really like wake up! Take it haha!

What is one thing about each of you that everyone might not know?

Brandon-Well why would we want to give that away?
PMITP-Well it doesn’t have to be your deepest darkest secret haha
Trey-Exclusive secrets!
Kevin-I don’t have a good one
Trey-Come on Kevin!
Kevin-I was going to say I’m only 18 but that’s not a good one
Trey-But you’re going to get beat out
Kevin-Well Yeah!!
Brandon-How about we say one about the other band members!
Kevin-(about Brandon) He’s only 17!
Jesse-I like to go to Spas
Brandon-I was going to say Jesse clips his hair, trims it or whatever! He straightens it!
Jesse-I pamper myself!
Trey-Jesse likes facials, these two are brothers (Aaron and Brandon)
Kevin-Trey’s our dad!
Trey-Everyone knows everything about me.
Aaron-(about Trey) he’s really protective over his PowerAde
Trey-I love PowerAde, so if Gatorade is looking for an endorsement they’re going to get turned down. No I’m just kidding

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